Halloween Brexit & the Spectre of Mercury Retrograde

The next 9-10 days is going to be absolutely crucial in the Brexit saga. Astrologically, this period is marked by Venus contacts to astrological heavyweights Saturn and Pluto, as well as a Scorpio New Moon AND the start of Mercury retrograde on October the 31st....Wow!

Eye on Parliament: Prorogue High Court Judgement

Today at 10:30am BST, the High Court of the United Kingdom delivered its judgement on Boris Johnson's decision to suspend government, saying that it acted unlawfully. Can astrology offer us any insights into the consequences of this verdict and the forces at work behind the scenes in the Brexit-Boris melodrama?... HIGH COURT JUDGEMENT CHART Event… Continue reading Eye on Parliament: Prorogue High Court Judgement

Venus-Neptune & Brexit: Election Trap?

Yesterday, Boris Johnson lost his first vote in the House of Commons as UK prime Minister. Today, he says he will offer Jeremy Corbyn what he's been gagging for - an election. But is it, as Tony Blair warns, a trap? The stars, particularly today's Venus-Neptune opposition, suggest it may well be...However, there ARE solutions,… Continue reading Venus-Neptune & Brexit: Election Trap?