Figuring out Hillary Clinton’s natal chart

There is much speculation about the former first lady's time of birth, which is one of the reasons why it was so hard for astrologers to make hard and fast predictions about Hillary Clinton's chances of becoming the 45th US President. You just have to look at the source notes on Astro Databank to see… Continue reading Figuring out Hillary Clinton’s natal chart

Tata Madiba: A Remarkable Life

One of the most famous and admired men of our generation, 95-year old Nelson Mandela, or Tata Madiba, as he was affectionately known to South Africans, was finally laid to rest after a long battle with pneumonia last month. His funeral and memorial service was an elaborate and drawn-out affair, attracting dignitaries from far and… Continue reading Tata Madiba: A Remarkable Life

Predicting the Royal Birth Rebooted

Last month, the world waited…and waited… for the birth of the third in line to the throne - the first child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, known to you and I as Kate and Wills. By mid-month, even the usually placid Taurean Queen seem to be getting impatient, telling well-wishers on a royal… Continue reading Predicting the Royal Birth Rebooted

Astrology & Predicting the Royal Birth Date

This month, many fans of the British royal family will be anxiously anticipating the arrival of Catherine and Prince William’s first child, so I thought I would break with tradition in terms of my Astro-Insights columns by looking forward at current events, rather than backwards this July, and take a closer look at the potential… Continue reading Astrology & Predicting the Royal Birth Date

Woolwich Massacre & the April 2013 eclipses

May 2013 was dominated by several major planetary events: a series of Neptune squares on the 13th, 18th and 26th, which coincided with misjudgements and travel accidents; another pass of the rather challenging Uranus-Pluto square on May the 20th, which corresponded with a devastating tornado in Oklahoma and an outbreak of rioting and civil unrest… Continue reading Woolwich Massacre & the April 2013 eclipses

Tumult & Bloodshed: April 2013 & Mars

As one would expect from a month dominated by Martian energy, not to mention a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, April 2013 proved to be rather eventful, and somewhat bloody month. As well as the death of Britain’s first and (so far) only female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher on the 8th in London at around 11am… Continue reading Tumult & Bloodshed: April 2013 & Mars

Boris Berezovsky – Suicide or Murder?

As expected, March proved to be a fairly pivotal month in world affairs, with plenty of momentous turning points, historical events and announcements crowding the headlines. These included the election of Pope Francis, a move towards foreign intervention in the Syrian civil war by Western powers, the Cypriot banking crisis, a spate of weather ‘weirding,’… Continue reading Boris Berezovsky – Suicide or Murder?

The Astrology of Obama’s Second Inauguration

January 2013 saw the second inauguration of President Obama on the 20th and 21st.  These events took place just as the Sun left conservative Capricorn (representative of the Republicans) and ingressed into progressive, egalitarian Aquarius (associated with Democratic values).  Aquarius also happens to be rising in Obama’s natal chart, so he, the Democrats and the times appeared to be very… Continue reading The Astrology of Obama’s Second Inauguration

Nov 2012 Eclipse & the Arab-Israeli Conflict

November 2012 seemed to be dominated by two things – the American presidential elections and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As I wrote in my article on the former, there did seem to be a clear astrological indication that Obama would win, and indeed, he did. For those interested in the details, check out the separate post I wrote on… Continue reading Nov 2012 Eclipse & the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Astrological Review of July 2012

In the UK, July was all about the Olympic Games. Not only was this a chance for London to showcase itself to the rest of the world as a premier sporting, tourism and business destination, but it also offered leaders the chance to lift the spirit of the nation, currently depressed due to on-going economic doom and gloom, reigniting… Continue reading Astrological Review of July 2012